Thursday, August 20, 2009

Powder Trickler's Tribute Poem for Leon

Don’t Weep For Me

I’ve done things that most could see
Hunted ducks and pheasants on the flee

Had a beautiful wife to hold my hand
Farmed and played throughout the land

Had kids to teach and knots to tie
There wasn’t one who asked why

I’ve farmed this land, I’ve made my stand
From kids to raise to the Lord to praise

I’ve scouted far and wide
But family was always my pride

Farming and planting was were I thought I would make my stand
But Family and love was were I could lend a hand

Started fires with only a stick
But the people I taught was were I ticked

The family I’ve had that was my tale
Like a boat and wind, they were my sail

I’ve caught trout on only a fly
Caught fish were others couldn’t, I guess that was sly

The mountain men they were my hero
For without them America would be a zero

They went in the wilds with everything to fear
And out they came with knowledge and no one was their peer
They fought the Indians and mountains high
Without grumbling and without a sigh

I’ve raised my family tall and straight
Oh yes there is a Meline trait

From Eva on down there is pride
For this family has made a long stride

So don’t weep for me I am long gone
When you look up on the mountains and lakes, that’s were I’ve gone

I’ve seen black and white and very little gray
For in the Lord and his book I do not sway

I’ve lived my life wild and free
So please don’t weep for me

I’ve held the hand of the one I love
Raised my kids with the Lord above

Had my time on this here land
Made my presence and my stand

To my grandkids I will say

Live your religion, talk to God above
Support your family with his faith and love

It will never matter what you own
If you are in good company when you are all alone

Written for Leon Meline 8/13/09

Rick Ramsey

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