Thursday, August 6, 2009

2009 Rendezvous Mill Flats

Club getting ready to shoot the trail walk

Trail walk for the Club..... Who is that PILGRIM?!!

Booshway Camp

Quiet camp while it rains.... AGAIN!

Is that the SUN??? NO WAY

Buffy... How did you get him to rub your feet???


Jill getting named "confused mama!"

Club shooting the trail walk.... Where did that pilgrim come from?

Setting up the trail walk

Wendy winning a box... lucky lucky!!

Shiloh showing us all how it is done

Powder Trickler taking out the bear!

Pez was bringing home dinner!

Shiloh...."you want me to do what?!"


Cooking the Turkeys!!

No Jugs cooking dinner

Sitting around the campfire listening to Black Mat play and sing!! What a talent!

Black Mat showing us his talent

Blowout, No Jugs, Powder Stopper and Jay Bird enjoying the evening

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