Sunday, November 25, 2007

OTML Club Christmas Party

Dec. 15th
This year's party will be at Clay & Susie's, 246 Whitman St. in Albion(right at Sage Mt. Grill, 2 blocks, then left and it's the 2nd house on the left). The party will start around 7ish or 7:30ish - when ya get there.
The club will provide the turkeys. We will also have a ham provided as well as potatoes, gravy, dressing, cranberry sauce and drinks.please feel free to bring whatever dish(es) you would like to!....
I believe we have about 14 kids ( anyone under 13 ) in our club, we have sent an invitation to Santa and hope to see him! Because there are so many children, we decided it would be fun for them to have their own gift exchange. So, if your child wants to participate, please bring a wrapped gift of ~$10.00 in value- we have10 boys and 4 girls, so a unisex type of gift might be most appropriate. If this is a difficulty for anyone, please call me(673-6688).
The adults (teenagers and up) will have their own gift exchange, with gifts of ~ $10.00 value also.

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